Washington State Department of Corrections (WADOC) partnered with Ameresco to implement an enterprise asset management software solution which documents, measures, and monitors asset activity across its large state-wide portfolio. The solution helps WADOC plan for capital improvements, manage capital projects and maintenance activity, and track energy and sustainability metrics across its portfolio of 800 buildings and 1500 fleet vehicles.
“We engaged Ameresco to implement AssetPlanner to help us manage our portfolio of campuses, facilities, and fleet in a complex environment. We wanted software that was easy to use, intuitive, and supported our business processes to enable better decision making at both the campus and HQ level. It was key for us that the software was well supported, and training was designed to encourage its use as a single source of truth across our organization. AssetPlanner helps us plan for capital improvements, manage maintenance activities, and track our energy and sustainability data for compliance reporting.”
– Chris Idso
Director, Capital Planning and Development,
Washington State Department of Corrections
Software as a Service Team
Energy Consumption Monitoring
Energy Spend Data Monitoring
Deferred Maintenance Backlog
Customer Benefits
The implementation of a robust, enterprise asset management software solution such as AssetPlanner® delivers the following benefits for the WADOC:
- Organizational alignment
- Single source of truth
- Improved data management processes
- Operational efficiencies through digitization
- Data driven insights
- Enhanced decision making
- Improved business processes
Through software data development and facility condition assessments (FCA), Ameresco delivered a comprehensive long-term capital plan for WADOC which helped to establish asset condition, quantify deferred maintenance, develop lifecycle profiles, and highlighted the funding appropriation needs for the portfolio over the next 5-30 years. Our software implementation specialists worked with key stakeholders throughout WADOC operations to design a maintenance management solution, for both reactive work orders and proactive scheduled maintenance, tailored to their needs. Key to success was ensuring the tool was useful for facility staff and leadership, supporting day-to-day activities and management reporting. Another key component involved capturing and tracking energy and sustainability data, such as utility bills, for state compliance reporting. Our team implemented the necessary data management processes to streamline this activity and provided recorded training demonstrations for onboarding new staff. The services provided to WADOC include:
- AssetPlanner® enterprise software solution
- Capital planning with facility condition assessments
- Computerized maintenance management system
- Energy and sustainability software
- Enterprise Asset Management software
- Managed support services