January 27th (10:00 – 11:30am): Part 1 – Speaker Challenge
- Speakers:
- Rich Dewey, President & CEO, NYISO
- Kim Erle, Managing Director | Strategy, Impact & Investor Relations, NY Green Bank
- Christine Weydig, Director, Office of Environmental and Energy Programs, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey
- Susanne DesRoches, Deputy Director, Infrastructure + Energy, NYC Office of Resiliency and NYC Office of Sustainability
January 27th (5:30 – 6:15pm): AEG Energy Trivia
- Winner splits jackpot ($250+) with charity of choice.
January 28th (10:00 – 12:00pm): Part 2 – Breakout Room Challenge
- Invited participants are strategically placed into breakout rooms to compete on developing a 12 month solution to the winning obstacle.